Our Mission

The Fire Chiefs’ Association of British Columbia is an essential source of information, education, and community for its members. It proactively engages with government and others on issues relating to the Fire Service, resulting in an effective and supported fire service across the province.

Our Vision

FCABC is the leading voice of the BC fire service, supporting fire chiefs from across our province with invaluable connections, resources, and training.

Our Purposes

The Association’s purpose is to promote the maintenance and improvement of the fire service throughout the Province of British Columbia. It achieves this by:

Providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, the development of resolutions, position papers, and other matters pertaining to the safety of life and property against risk by fire.
Offering relevant and timely education and training, including the annual educational forum known as the Annual Conference and BC Fire Expo.
Functioning as a center for the provision of information relative to matters affecting the fire service within the Province of British Columbia.
Creating and promoting a diverse, inclusive and supportive community amongst its members.
Working with and influencing government and others for the purpose of improving the fire service in the Province of British Columbia.

Code of Ethics

The following principles shall govern the conduct of all members of the Fire Chiefs’ Association of British Columbia:

Uphold the constitution and Bylaws of the Association
Maintain the highest standards of personal integrity and ethical business conduct, be honest and straightforward in dealings with others, and avoid conflicts of interest.
Not compromise the integrity or reputation of the Association.
Not condone unethical actions or the appearance of unethical actions by other members of the Association.
Continually strive to improve their competence and professional ability.
Not knowingly engage in any unlawful activity.
Foster creativity and be open to consider innovations that may better enable the performance of our duties and responsibilities.

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Board of Directors

Learn more about our board of directors and administrative team.

Who we are

The FCABC is proud to be the leading voice of the BC fire service. Learn more about who we are.